Sustainable High-Tech SOLUTIONS
Making our Business a Success!
Our group of companies provide green (environmentally friendly) high-tech technology packages for Environmental Engineering, Biofuels, Sustainable Community Development and integrated agriculture-aquaculture- AlgaeBiofuels projects. Lead by Prof. Aecio D’Silva and partnered with laboratories, research centers and top leaders in the industry, we offers top quality expertise in the design, construction, maintenance and production for small, medium and large-scale environmentally sustainable projects.
A Dedicated Team to Bring Solutions
Our team of specialists and experts offers services that place our companies and selected clients securely above the competition. Each one of our scientists and highly specialized professionals has many years of experience. They have deep knowledge of every area of our projects.
Only the Highest Quality Products
We follow strict environmental and health guidelines, and promise only the highest quality products; a process that starts with Sustainable-Advanced Biotechology. Our companies and selected clients will have everything we need to begin and maintain our own successful-winning business.
Customized Solutions Made with SQLS in Mind
We have solutions and investiment platforms for: Applied Genetics, AquaBioPonics, Aqua-biotech ( Pharmaceuticals, Nutraceuticals and Cosmetics) Technology Transfer ( from Small-Scale to Large-Scale projects); Local and Regional Food-Biofuel Biotechnological Poles based on Aquaculture and Energy Oil crops; Environmental-Friendly Biofuels production, Sustainable Leadership Business Systems; Engineering and new product development including sample and prototype development; Genetic Improvement Programs; Online Farm Management Tools and Closed Circulation Super-Intensive Food-Biofuels Systems; Online and local Technical Training, Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, Online Technical Assistance, 24/7 Technical Help Hotline.
Member of Moura Enterprises, American Aquabiotech, Biofuels Revolution, Algae for Biofuels and MyBeloJardim Prof. Aecio D’Silva Group